What is Match Fishing

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Match fishing is hugely popular and enjoyable sport, undertaken the world over. In the UK, there are regular matches throughout the year, taking place on all kinds of venues.

The typical angling match see's multiple anglers arrive early at the venue, eagerly awaiting the draw. The event organiser or fishery owner oversees as each angler draws a "peg" around the venue, where they must fish for the length of the match.

Challenges faced by Anglers

Once the anglers have each been allocated a peg it's time to check out the venue. Different venues have different challenges for anglers. The commercial fishery, such as Woodland View Fishery or Boldings Pools offer purpose built 'pegs' often concrete construction, at regularly spaced intervals around the pool. Many commercials nowadays serve hot food, and offer great facilities for disabled anglers. An alternative to the Commercial fishery is a 'natural venue' where the features of the pool are naturally grown, and the fish are often more difficult to catch.

Some matches take place on rivers or canals and these require a different set of tactics again. Anglers often have to deal with other people visiting and using the venue, such as barges and canal boats. This can dramatically affect the outcome of the match!

Whichever venue is being fished, the anglers have a set amount of time to prepare their tackle and bait for the match ahead. Some venues have strict rules that must be adhered to for the match, such as not allowing pellets or elasticated feeder methods of fishing, these vary and must be checked before fishing.

All in!

Once the match is underway, all anglers start fishing in a bid to catch the best weight of fish from their peg, within their allocated zone. They must choose the the right tactics to suit the peg they have chosen, and under the pressure of the match, they must be able to adapt to changing conditions. As the match progresses, changes in climate, temperature and overall conditions will have had an affect on the fish. Good anglers will follow the changes and adapt their tactics, these are the ones who will edge ahead of the competition.

Match fishing offers so much over other sports, it's easy to get into, doesn't require massive investment upfront and is easy to find others nearby who are in to it. The skill of successful angling can be learned and developed over time. Thanks to companies like Preston Innovations investing time and money into the sport, we're now able to enjoy it a the highest level. It's very easy to get into, all you need is a basic set-up to get started. A rod and reel, some tackle and some bait will see you ready to fish. Speak to your nearest dealer about what you need to get started.

Also check out the latest videos, articles and how-to's on this site for tutorials and expert advice from international anglers.

Our Winning Pegs DVD's and magazines offer valuable advice for all levels of angler, whether you're new to the sport of match fishing or a hardened veteran on the scene there's always new goings on to keep up with.

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