Insert Dura Wag Adjustable Loading

The Adjustable Insert Waggler comes with add-on weights that you can use to fine-tune this super sensitive float. Also comes with an ultra-stable carbon stemmed tip for help in choppy conditions. This is possibly the most durable waggler available.
Enables use with locking shot or Preston Pellet Waggler Float Stop Kit.

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Code Description
DWSAI/2Dura Wag / Adjustable / Inserts / 2g
DWSAI/2.5Dura Wag / Adjustable / Inserts / 2.5g
DWSAI/3Dura Wag / Adjustable / Inserts / 3g
DWSAI/4Dura Wag / Adjustable / Inserts / 4g
DWSAI/5Dura Wag / Adjustable / Inserts / 5g

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